Creativity & Art

Interview and story about real creative women and everything you need to know to get inspired.


F Word - a menswear collection based on feminism

Gender inequality is not a women’s problem, it’s a society problem. Real changes requires engagement from all parties and men need to fully embrace the benefits that gender equality can bring to society.

I came across the menswear collection designed by Chloe Bailey, inspired by feminism, so I decided to contact her for an interview.


"Find your passion and act on it, you are your biggest hold back" - Interview to Beatrice Sutcliffe

My name is Beatrice Sutcliffe and I am final year BA (hons) English and Film student at Royal Holloway University of London.

In the article I also shared the exciting news that I was going to be curating my first film festival with Like Minded Females, at Genesis Cinema called the “Women in Film” Festival.  


"Don’t be afraid to advocate for what you believe in" - Interview to Shannon Bono

Interview by Rossella Forle’

Shannon Bono better known as Bono is a very talented artist. Her work has been influenced by her identity, and African art, design and materials. It’s impressive the strong relationship between art, politic and activism in such a young artist at the beginning of her career.

I have interviewed her for We Hate Pink, enjoy.


"Prendi il giusto tempo per capire le tue passioni, per poi farle diventare il tuo lavoro" - Intervista a Valentina e Elisa di Mani in Pasta

di Rossella Forlè

Mani in pasta è un progetto ideato da due architette italiane, Elisa Sartor e Valentina Toscano che vivono tra Lisbona e Barcellona.

Nasce come un’associazione di quattro expat italiani a Lisbona, per diventare oggi, un progetto culturale di successo.


by Rossella Forlè

"Things are getting better when you’re getting older" - Interview to Camille Walala

Walala’s work is full of energy and enthusiasm that’s hard to resist. Her works has the ability to make you in the right mood even in the worst day. She paints whole buildings in bright primary colours and turn every place she creates into playful intervention.


"YOU ARE ENOUGH" - Interview to Gloria Bertazzoni

Interview by Rossella Forlè

I met Gloria the first time at one of the Ladies, Wine and Design events in South London and it was like I knew her since long time.

Gloria is not just an incredible and talented creative but also the London chapter leader of Ladies, Wine and Design.

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di Rossella Forlè

"Find your own voice, something that belongs only to yourself" Interview to Silvia Gentili

I met Silvia when she was living in London and from that moment I became her fan.

Silvia Gentili’s practice explores stories that belong to the personal and political realm through the use of photography, film and performance. 


"Being a conscious consumer is necessary. Look at the crew when you watch something. Examine who is telling the stories you are hearing" - Interview to the talented filmmaker Elizabeth Schiffler

by Rossella Forlè

Elizabeth Schiffler is an enthusiastic, talented young filmmaker from Seattle.

In this interview we have been talking about woman-directing-woman in a film, how changing the portrayal of women in film means getting more women behind the lens and her latest film in progress Champagne.

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di Valentina Cianci

“Il podio è un metro quadro di solitudine, in mezzo a due moltitudini” - Intervista a Gianna Fratta

Pianista, direttrice d’orchestra e cavaliere del lavoro. Gianna Fratta incarna tutto quello che il nostro paese esprime al meglio nel mondo: la musica, il carisma e l’eccellenza.

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"You don’t have to be the smartest person in the room to do something incredible" - Interview to Ese Akpobi

by Rossella Forlè

I met Ese at Fuck Being Humble event a few weeks ago. She was confident enough to take the microphone and talking about her amazing project at the end of the event. I have got so into her story and I decided to interview her for We Hate Pink zine. It’s so refreshing seeing a young talented woman thinks big and care about other people.


di Rossella Forlè

Feminist Murals Are Popping Up All Over London and They're Amazing

A series of feminist murals have been unveiled across London to mark 100th anniversary of the first election in which a significant number of women were able to vote.


Rossella Forle’

My first impression of Kim Ferrell was that she is a woman filled with enthusiasm and energy.

Kim paints penetrating portraits of female athletes. She has loved to draw and paint since she was a child and finds working with young women a source of inspiration.

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The Guerrilla Girls: the art-punk pioneers in challenging prejudice

Rossella Forle’

The Guerrilla Girls are feminist activist artists who remain anonymous by wearing gorilla masks and naming themselves after famous dead female artists, use facts, humor and outrageous visuals to expose gender and ethnic bias as well as corruption in politics, art, film, and pop culture.


How to create a great portfolio and look like a pro

Rossella Forle’

In case you don’t know, a portfolio is a way to showcase your strengths to any clients and let them know what you are interested in. The less you show the best it is!

If you want to bring your talent out, then make it happen with your portfolio!

Head shot co-Founder Karla Williams3. Photo by Falana Photography.jpg

by Rossella Forlè

Our weekly #girlcrush is Karla Williams an award-winning screenwriter in the best possible sense.

Passionate, intelligent and with a keen eye for films that challenge perceptions of culture and society.


Quando la moda diventa Body Positive

di Valeria Cassano

Abbiamo da poco assistito alla New York Fashion Week, dove i più ambiziosi stilisti hanno presentato le loro ultime collezioni. L’evento che ha conquistato la Grande Mela è stata la presentazione della linea d’intimo di Savage X Fenty, brand dell’inimitabile Rihanna.


di Rossella Forlè

Essere artista non è una cosa semplice. Come l’arte può modificare la nostra vita? Cosa significa davvero essere un’artista? E come viaggiare possa avere un impatto importante sulla visione dell’arte e sul modo che si ha di fruirla.


Who you callin'a bitch? breve storia dell'hip hop femminile!

di Rossella Forlè

Sono cresciuta negli anni '90 e nonostante la mia prima passione musicale all'epoca fosse il grunge, ho seguito molto da vicino la nascita della scena hip hop italiana. Sono sempre stata in mezzo ad amici che dipingevano, rappavano e ho sempre provato grande interesse per una cultura che sebbene venisse dagli States, è stata declinata a mestiere anche in Italia.

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Entrevista a Carla Fuentes

di Valeria Cassano

Hoy he tenido la suerte de entrevistar a una de mis artistas favoritas, Carla Fuentes - 31 años. Graduada en Bellas Artes y diseño de moda en la Universidad de Valencia, trabaja como ilustradora y artista freelance desde 2009. ¡Disfruten de la lectura!


Claudia Amatruda e il mare

di Valeria Cassano

Sì, è vero, nelle mie foto ricorre molto il mare. Nel mare ritrovo la malinconia, quella malinconia essenziale e necessaria alle mie foto. Senza questo elemento non saprei come altro esprimere il senso di libertà, di movimento ed evitare la staticità. Il mare mi aiuta, e molto.