How to create a great portfolio and look like a pro

What is a portfolio?


It sums up your resume, design works, artworks, certifications, articles and more and it is accessible via the Internet.

How to build it

  1. Know what you want!

  2. Pull together all of your recent and strongest works: Have a vision and include the more similar ones to show your ideas and skills.

  3. Be true! Make your portfolio talk about the type of work you want to do and get it!

  4. Include your personal works in order to show your creativity, your passion and what you are capable of.

  5. Keep it simple! Be brief but follow your style and ideas.

  6. List your skills and a way to contact you: mention your education and include some testimonials, then add your contact information at the very bottom of your portfolio.

Dos and Don’ts to make your portfolio look perfect.

  • Present your personal information in a functional manner.

  • Try to be user-friendly!

  • Think of create a social strategy, if you want to get your name out.

  • Use websites such as WordPress, BlogSpot or Squarespace to give your portfolio a more interactive approach.

  • Don’t go for weird design trends but choose minimal designs!

  • Make it easy to reach you!

  • Provide a hard copy of your portfolio for an interview.

  • Print your work on premium paper.

  • Organize the document in a nice and original folder: the eyes must be feed!

Work hard you’re ready to look like a pro, even if you’re not!