women in leadership

This section is all about career. The modern woman has twice as many choices: "best careers for women" and "best careers, period". The savvy woman knows the new menu, what it offers and how to find and get what she wants.


"Alle donne che stanno avviando una startup oggi direi, seguite il vostro istinto" - Intervista a Valentina Sorgato

Abbiamo intervistato Valentina Sorgato, amministratore delegato di SMAU e consigliere di Italia Startup. Nella classifica di Forbes Italia, tra le 100 donne leader che rappresentano il meglio del nostro paese.

In questa intervista abbiamo parlato di cosa vuol dire fare innovazione, del valore di un evento in un mondo quasi totalmente digitalizzato e della posizione delle donne nel sistema startup italiano.

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“Every girl deserves to dream and be supported in her dream” Interview to Cristina Cretu

Cristina Cretu is one of the speakers of next We Hate Pink event in London on the 9th October 2019. Founder of TEDx Obor and and the TEDx Floreasca speaker.

In this interview she shares her story and the cause she is fighting for.


Career Advice for Women entrepreneurs from Female Founders

By Kiley Peters

Let's be honest, we're all looking for new perspectives, golden knowledge nuggets and short cuts for not repeating other people's mistakes.

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By Clarissa Bukhan

I was 8 months pregnant with my first child when I got the call from a recruiter, asking if I’d be interested in a dream job at Google.


By Pavithra Mohan

This summer, Fast Company and Inc. conducted a survey of women entrepreneurs, in which they asked nearly 300 female founders about their business goals, their politics, and if they have faced bias.

By Rossella Forle’"Diversity is the key to fast-track innovative thinking in the team, to build solutions people love" - Interview to Francesca BoccoliniFrancesca Boccolini is a real talent. She founds Sonic Jobs, the world's first virtual recruiter…

By Rossella Forle’

"Diversity is the key to fast-track innovative thinking in the team, to build solutions people love" - Interview to Francesca Boccolini

Francesca Boccolini is a real talent. She founds Sonic Jobs, the world's first virtual recruiter for hospitality that become an enormous success in just two years.

In this interview for We Hate Pink, she shares industry insights on what it takes to succeed as a female entrepreneur in the tech and recruitment industries. Read on to get a closer glimpse of her journey and to gather some must-know tips for becoming a dream female startup leader.

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By Rossella Forle’ & Fiorenza Plinio

"Let's talk about inclusion more than diversity" - intervista a Fiorenza Plinio

“I believe that we have reached a point at which we must try to take some practical steps to drive change, rather than simply prolong the debate. We need to normalise the initiatives that get it right, while calling out the ‘bad stuff’.


By Rossella Forle’

"Una buona leader non ha bisogno di imporre le sue idee sugli altri" - intervista a Roberta Martin imprenditrice italiana, impegnata con le donne in Spagna

Roberta Martin è una delle anime di State Generali delle Donne in Spagna.

Svolge da anni attività di accoglienza e di integrazione degli Italiani che si trasferiscono in Spagna.

Ha attivato un’associazione, Desyam, a favore delle donne vittime di violenza e in fragilità economico-sociale, in stretta collaborazione con gli Stati Generali delle Donne.


By Rossella Forle’

The Benefit of diversity at work

Gender diversity is vital to any workplace. Not just because it's a laudable goal; it simply makes business sense. Men and women have different viewpoints, ideas, and market insights, which enables better problem solving.

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di Rossella Forle’

"Il cambiamento climatico colpisce le donne più degli uomini, perché acuisce le discriminazioni dove già esistono" - Intervista a Caterina Sarfatti

Caterina Sarfatti è Head del Programma Inclusive Climate Action per C40 Cities, organizzazione che si occupa di supportare le città in tutto il mondo, nel portare avanti azioni audaci sul clima, aprendo la strada a un futuro più sano e sostenibile.

Per me è stato particolarmente emozionante poter dialogare con Caterina e condividere le reciproche prospettive sulla leadership al femminile e sul valore delle donne che con le loro azioni quotidiane, stanno attivamente contribuendo a migliorare il pianeta.


By Valentina Cianci & Claudia Laricchia

DI CLIMA, DI CIBO e DI DONNE. I passi per arrivare al futuro. Intervista a Claudia Laricchia

Quando abbiamo immaginato di parlare per la prima volta di temi come il clima, il cibo, il futuro del mondo, Claudia Laricchia è stato il nostro primo pensiero e la prima persona che abbiamo voluto intervistare ed ascoltare.

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Interview by Rossella Forle’

"Women do need to help each other to share experience and join forces" Interview to Eleonora Rocca

I met Eleonora in central London a few weeks ago. During our dinner we have been talking about her career, the process she went through when she started as entrepreneur, what it means being a successful woman in a male-dominated tech industry and the best way to talk to women about career and business.

You can benefit from her experience and her advice and I hope this interview will inspire you, as I’d love to see more and more female tech entrepreneurs in the future. Here you go.